Highland Park Chamber of Commerce Supports Northshore School District 112 Referendum
Highland Park Chamber of Commerce Supports Northshore School District 112 Referendum

It is and has been the view of the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce that the health of the local business community is directly linked to the quality of education in the community, and that both contribute to the quality of life in Highland Park. In recognition of that connection, the Chamber has sponsored the State of Education program for the last three years. The Chamber is also partnering with TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 in developing and implementing a jobs initiative that is anticipated to be beneficial to both the business community and to TrueNorth students. Through these and other programs and initiatives, the Chamber recognizes the nexus between the quality of education and a successful business community in creating a thriving community.
The Highland Park Chamber of Commerce thereby strongly supports North Shore School District 112’s bond referendum. Passage of the referendum will provide the District with the necessary resources to bring five of its aging elementary school buildings into the 21st century, thereby improving the quality of education in the community. That, in turn, makes Highland Park a more attractive location within which to live and conduct business. The Chamber urges the community to vote in favor of this referendum for the good of our children, our property values, our businesses, and our community at large.