Which is more important - Sales or Marketing? THAT urgent question and many more like it, depends entirely on your brand platform, consisting of 10 essential brand assets; business goals, objectives, barriers, strategies, insights, position, promise, support, tone and personality. Once established, the brand platform serves as a powerful tool of alignment and clarity for decision-making in business, impacting everything from sales, to marketing, HR, finances, customer loyalty, internal company culture, and more.
Join us for a clarity crash course, December 10 from 12:30 - 1:30pm CST, brought to you by Jayne Agency, a brand strategy firm catalyzing alignment for individuals, teams, companies, communities and initiatives all over the country, focusing on unlocking brand clarity for all-sized business leaders. This 60-minute power session is giving the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce members a look into how to answer the important questions with the brand platform; targeting the who, what, where, when, and how, when it comes to focusing resources within the business. We’re excited to share how the brand platform, and its 10 essential brand assets, become a power tool for business leaders. Register today and join us on December 10th for a brand strategy fundamentals boost heading into 2025.
This event is virtual - a Zoom Meeting link will be included in your registration confirmation email.
On a mission to make sure every business in the world has access to high quality brand strategy.
Obsessed with Brand Clarity, Brooke is known for guiding individuals, teams, companies, communities and initiatives to find the right way to establish their strategic brand platform- including their position and promise. Unique in their ability to build an evidence based brand platform, her team and methodology are the go-to resource for brand strategy, strategic planning, storytelling and sustainable brand platforms. So much so that in 2022 she led the innovation for Clarity University(™), a brand strategy product designed to empower business leaders to build their own brand platforms with all the education, tools, support and community they need.
Jayne is a 100% woman-owned, 100% inclusive, WBENC-certified company committed to helping diverse businesses grow. The agency’s client roster includes Fortune 100s such as Eaton, PepsiCO, Nationwide, American Red Cross, Takeda, as well as small- to mid-market companies like SPS Sparks, Pregis and Mercer Valve Co.
She has created award-winning integrated campaigns and brand experiences, garnering global recognition by the Clio Awards, One Show, NY Festivals, Communication Arts, Webby’s, OMMA, American Design Awards, Communicator Awards, Axiem Awards and MarComm Awards. Prior to striking off on her own, Brooke was a courageous creative leader and digital strategist pioneer, serving as Executive Creative Director at several of the world’s top advertising and marketing agencies, including DDB, Ogilvy and Razorfish.
A sought after thought leader on the topics of branding, women leadership and supply chain diversity, Brooke is a 2020 Enterprising Woman of the Year Winner, is one of the 2022 100 Women to KNOW from KNOW, and a contributor to MBE Magazine, WE USA Magazine and NANOE. She has been a keynote speaker at Social Media Week, HOW Design Live, Eaton’s Supplier Summit, Ad Tech, St. Louis Business Development Connection and many more. She sits on several boards, is a founder and Board Chair for It’s Not Just Dinner, Magdalene House Chicago, DesignedbyUs.org and UCAN Chicago, and has achieved numerous certifications and memberships, including WBENC, BEP/CMS, WOSBA, Cook County DBE, DA4S, WIM and NAWBO. She holds a BFA in Graphic Design from University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Art and Design, and is a graduate of Dartmouth’s Tuck Women’s Executive Program and the Yale Brisaago Program

Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM CST
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Highland Park Chamber of Commerce Members: $0.00
Non-Members: $15.00
Contact Information
Andrea Barattini
Send Email