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Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back to Look Ahead

As a new year begins, before you move forward, it’s always a good idea to reflect on where you’ve been and what you learned. There is a Latin phrase, Festina lente, meaning make haste slowly. An oxymoron? Not at all, especially considering the year that we just experienced. 2020 forced us to do two things that seem incongruous. First, it made us pause, slow down; and second, it pushed us to move as fast as we can toward things that matter.
We discussed this topic at our recent First Wednesday Connections meeting. Some of the other insights to come out of the conversation were:
  • The adaptation to, and embracement of technology to engage with clients in a digital age
  • In a time of contraction, platforms like Zoom have opened up the world
  • Moving toward a greater understanding of technology is an opportunity for the future
  • Observing others adjust to changes, “walking while the floor was moving underneath them”
  • Embracing kindness and empathy as essential because people have difficulty with change
  • Flexibility and finding new ways to keep clients engaged
In moving forward, some things must necessarily be left behind. This requires rethinking on every level. After the top 3 on the list of what was left behind – ties, high heels, and file cabinets! – the group shared that an inward focus created lessons that will carry forward, including:
  • A need to leave behind ungrateful clients and cultivate those that appreciate your service
  • A moving away from technology to connect to customers via personal phone calls, creating a digital equivalent to ‘walking the floor’
  • Natural consolidation of locations
  • Viewing a daily, weekly, monthly Dashboard to determine what worked, what didn’t, so that changes could be made quickly
The consensus at the end of the meeting was that the past months were more than a ‘pivot’ period. A better word for what businesses must do is ‘iterate’. Even mature businesses must iterate over time. Success requires an embrace of "change", and not all change is bad. Predictability and complacency can be the enemy. True and lasting security comes from constant growth and development, based on regular R & R – Reflection and Renewal.

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